Registraton fees must be paid to Ea Organizaton accounts.
To complete your registration, please send the payment receipt to wth the explanation: "15th Eurasan Aesthetc Plastic Surgery Meeting – Participant Names."
20% VAT wll be added to the registration fee. Ea Organizaton wll issue an invoce for payments.
The registraton fee includes a name badge, access to the scientific program, coffee breaks, and lunch during the meetng.
Ea Organizaton reserves the right to adjust prices in case of signficant economic changes in the country.The deadline for registraton cancellation's March 15, 2025.
The deadline for name changes in registration's May 15, 2025.
Cancellaton requests made before March 15, 2025, will be refunded after the congress.
Payments not made by the deadlnes specfied in the sponsorshp offers will result in the cancellation of all reservations.
All reservations and requests with unpadi balances will be canceled if payment is not made at least 7 days before the meeting date.
The VAT amount will also be calculated based on the same rate, and the remaning balance will be invoced using the exchange rate on the invoice date.